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Hoenn Battle Frontier

Sinnoh Battle Frontier

Battle Chatelaine

Go-Rock Quads

Oc !!

Atelier Chief Irma


"In this battle, we've woven a tale of resilience and creativity, and the ending is a masterpiece painted in our favor"

name - Irma
age - 16 / 17
pronoums - she / he
gender - female
sexuality - bisexual
region - Hoenn / Alto Mare
battle brain title - Atelier Chief
Irma is overall a friendly and unique person, ready to help others in any occasion.She works at the Battle Frontier under Tucker's instructions, she works at the Battle Atelier and mainly spends her time battling and in Pokémon contests, she likes to create Pokémon-themed outfits (like Harley's or Lucy's).She also likes to travel in other region to find more powerfull challenges, such as the White Tree Hollow - Battle Subway - Battle Chateleure.

Their team !!